Theming introduction
Based on your current theme configuration, Artivue generates a set of CSS variables and add it to your application, example:
:root {
--artivue-accent-text-alt: var(--artivue-accent-text-alt-2);
--artivue-accent-bg: 43, 107, 227;
--artivue-accent-text: 255, 255, 255;
--artivue-accent-text-alt-1: 204, 204, 204;
--artivue-accent-text-alt-2: 153, 153, 153;
--artivue-accent-text-alt-3: 102, 102, 102;
--artivue-accent-border: 77, 131, 232;
--artivue-accent-action: 65, 123, 230;
--artivue-accent-action-hover: 111, 155, 236;
--artivue-accent-hover: 88, 139, 233;
--artivue-accent-light: 133, 170, 239;
--artivue-accent-dark: 19, 65, 149;
--artivue-accent-light-hover: 178, 202, 245;
--artivue-accent-dark-hover: 13, 45, 104;
--artivue-surface-text-alt: var(--artivue-surface-text-alt-2);
--artivue-surface-bg: 25, 26, 36;
--artivue-surface-text: 255, 255, 255;
--artivue-surface-text-alt-1: 204, 204, 204;
--artivue-surface-text-alt-2: 153, 153, 153;
--artivue-surface-text-alt-3: 102, 102, 102;
--artivue-surface-border: 41, 43, 58;
--artivue-surface-action: 36, 37, 51;
--artivue-surface-action-hover: 57, 59, 81;
--artivue-surface-hover: 47, 48, 66;
--artivue-surface-light: 68, 71, 95;
--artivue-surface-dark: 0, 0, 0;
--artivue-surface-light-hover: 89, 93, 125;
--artivue-surface-dark-hover: 0, 0, 0;
--artivue-input-text-alt: var(--artivue-input-text-alt-2);
--artivue-input-bg: 16, 16, 22;
--artivue-input-focus: 21, 23, 35;
This is automatically injected in runtime to your application, powered by @unhead/vue
. Depending on your configuration, there might be a brief flash of incorrect colors. Using Nuxt in SSR or SSG mode is recommended to avoid this.
Artivue doesn't utilize the CSS variables out-of-the-box. I highly recommend using @artivue/unocss
to simplify styling. If that's not an option, the CSS variables are available throughout the application and may be used as you see fit. Example:
/* src/assets/main.css */
:root {
background-color: rgba(var(--artivue-surface-bg), 1);
color: rgba(var(--artivue-surface-text), 1);
button {
border: 1px solid rgba(var(--artivue-surface-border), 1);
border-radius: 0.5em;
background-color: rgba(var(--artivue-surface-action)), 1);
color: rgba(var(--artivue-suface-text)), 1);
padding: 1em;
button .accent {
border: 1px solid rgba(var(--artivue-accent-border), 1);
border-radius: 0.5em;
background-color: rgba(var(--artivue-accent-bg)), 1);
color: rgba(var(--artivue-accent-text)), 1);
input {
border: 1px solid rgba(var(--artivue-surface-border), 1);
border-radius: 0.5em;
background-color: rgba(var(--artivue-input-bg), 1);
padding: 1em;
input:focus {
background-color: rgba(var(--artivue-input-focus), 1);